Grijalva Calls Foul on Big Game Hunting Decision
The Trump administration is lifting the ban on importing sport-hunted elephant trophies from several African countries, in spite of the fact that the president said in November that he would be "very hard-pressed to change his mind" on the "horror show" of sports trophies. Congressman Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), the top Dem on the House Committee on Natural Resources, joined the ranks of the many people who are calling on Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to halt all trophy hunting imports for elephants and other species. Grijalva led 55 Democrats in a letter sent on Tuesday to Zinke complaining that the decision to consider trophy import licenses on a “case-by-case” basis reduces transparency and accountability and will allow more imports of animal parts into the country." The Dems said they have “deep concern about the continued misguided approach the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is taking regarding the trophy killing of elephants and lions in African countries and the negative implications it has for this imperiled wildlife.” The president's two oldest sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, are avid big-game hunters. “The American public is tired of this administration constantly pulling a bait-and-switch, with President Trump tweeting one thing to appease the public and the administration reversing course to meet the demands of big industry and the [National Rifle Association],” the lawmakers said, referring to Trump’s tweets last year calling trophy hunting a “horror show,” among other comments. More here.