DNC Diversity a Year Into the Tom Pérez Era
Adrian Carrasquillo, formerly with BuzzFeed, examined DNC Chair Tom Pérez’s first year at the helm through the lens of diversity. Aside from Pérez himself being the first Latino Chair in history, the numbers also show some increase in diversity. Carrasquillo reports in The Latino Briefing that 43% of DNC staff are people of color. The DNC went from five Latino staffers when Pérez started a year ago to 20 Latino staffers. The DNC also has more officers of color than at any previous point. The Committee boasts the following women in elected leadership: Vice Chair Karen Carter Peterson (African American), Vice Chair María Elena Durazo (Latina), Vice Chair Congresswoman Grace Meng (D-NY) (AAPI), and Deputy Treasurer Lorna Johnson (African American). Additionally, the following are senior staff comprised of women of color: COO Laura Chambers (African American), Director of Party Affairs & Delegate Selection and Leadership Patrice Taylor (African American), Director of Meetings and Conferences Lisa Hargrove (African American), Communications Director Xochitl Hinojosa (Latina), Political and Organizing Director Amanda Brown Lierman, (African American), and Director of the Women’s Leadership Forum Jessica Knight Henry (African American). Caucus leadership includes Women’s Caucus Chair Lottie Shackelford (African American) and Black Caucus Chair Virgie M. Rollins(African American). More from Adrian here.