Luján Grisham Keeps Pressure on Paul Ryan to Pass DACA Fix

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chair Congresswoman Michelle Luján Grisham (D-NM) has asked House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) to sit with her for a one-on-one meeting to hammer out an agreement on DACA. She personally delivered a note to Ryan earlier this week with the handwritten request. In the note, which she delivered with a hula hoop since “DACA recipients have shown that they’re willing to jump through any hoop to stay in the only country they know. Let’s show them that we’re willing to do the same,” Luján Grisham called on Ryan to bring up the Dream or USA Acts for a vote. “I want him to know that I want to spend some time with him to talk about these issues,” Luján Grisham told The Hill. “We can start from a whole new baseline, you and I, let's get this done.” The Congresswoman is planning to visit Ryan’s office daily to reiterate her request. Read more here.

Brenda Arredondo