GOP Wants to Co-opt César Chávez’s Birthday for Border Control
Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) has introduced a resolution which would declare March 31st, César Chávez’s birthday, “National Border Control Day.” In a statement, Gohmert said that “Cesar Chavez was best known for his passionate fight to gain better working environments for thousands of workers laboring in harsh conditions on farms for low wages. ... it was his firm belief that preventing illegal immigration was an essential prerequisite to improving the circumstances of American farmworkers; and in 1979, in a speech at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., he demanded that the federal government enforce the immigration laws and keep illegal aliens out of the country. Therefore, it only seems appropriate to deem his birthday as, “National Border Control Day.”’ Congressman Mark Takano (D-CA) took to Twitter to say that, “Cesar Chavez is a hero to millions. He repeatedly risked his own life to protect the lives of farmworkers. This resolution twists his legacy and it's a disgrace. @replouiegohmert needs to apologize.” In a statement, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chair Congresswoman Michelle Luján Grisham (D-NM) stated that, "For Rep. Gohmert to twist and warp the legacy of César Chávez is offensive, shameful and beyond the pale of normal logic. César Chávez shined a light on the injustices faced by farmworker families, very often risking his life to overcome the very racism and bigotry that Rep. Gohmert espouses. Congressman Gohmert has done everything he can to attack the true legacy of César Chávez ... Speaker Ryan should not only reject and condemn Rep. Gohmert’s resolution; he should support Rep. Tony Cardenas’ forthcoming House resolution recognizing the accomplishments and legacy of César Chávez, which has never been brought to the floor for consideration.” See the full resolution here.